Mongolia – the land of the blue sky , the desert , the desert, the mountains, the lakes, the width and the horses. It accompanies the scent of wild thyme and the cry of the eagle.
Guests are our beautiful country as large unspoiled paradise .

The territory of our country covers an area of 1.5665 million square kilometers and has 2.6 million inhabitants, which mainly lead a nomadic life until today.
Capital: Ulaanbaatar , about 1 million inhabitants

Other major cities : Darkhan and Erdenet

Ethnic groups and Language: The majority of the population are Khalkha Mongols , minorities are the Buriat , the Durvud , the Kazakhs , the Oold that Torguut and Urianha .
Religion: Buddhism
Landscape zones : Change from mountain taiga, mountain steppe and the Gobi desert from north to south .
Flora and Fauna: There are over 3000 different plants – and 875 fungal species and over 300 species of different microorganisms. According to the latest state of research present in Mongolia 136 mammal species , 436 bird species , 22 reptile species and 75 different species of fish.
Climate: Mongolia has an extreme continental climate and short , rainy , hot summer. The average summer temperature is +25 degrees Celsius, the winter temperature is – 20 degrees. With 250 days of sunshine per year, Mongolia is one of the sunniest countries in the world .